Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tremors and Ripples

Tremors & Ripples

The deep is the ocean that is the American electorate - a complicated cultural social system, complete with tides, currents, temperature variations and depths. Contrary to the belief and even wishes of some politicians and pundits, there is just one American electorate.

There have been many attempts to push the American people away from their culture and to deny what truths ...”we hold self evident” Over decades the bedrock of this ocean floor has been hacked into, fissures created, the values weakened; the enormity of force from the ‘modern” world has put unimaginable pressure on those tectonic plates. Thus further exacerbating the chasm where many divided Americans find themselves.

The welcome advent of the non-partisan Tea Party movement and the emergence of so many organizations whose aim is to celebrate our real American heritage and to reestablish our bedrock principals is testament to the reality of the desired change, as opposed to so called “hope & change”. Hope is not a strategy! The tremors have been happening for a while now and the ripples on the surface have been witnessed. Last November and this January in Massachusetts, I believe, was the proverbial warning shot across the bow of the establishment of both parties. “Keep it up and there will be a real earthquake at the bedrock of the American electorate”; the result being a tsunami of real change dictated not by Democrat or Republican rather by conservative and liberal.

What we have now is a very restless and unsure electorate. Since the election of Barak Hussein Obama the tremors of discontent and disillusionment have been rapidly increasing. I do not believe he is the cause but rather a symptom. The people are angry and insecure. The GOP establishment has been generally lazy and substitutes effort for money. If you want your party back, it will take effort. Money alone will not make the difference.

We Conservatives must show up, put boots on the ground and make the effort. We can no longer just vote and forget. In this Republic we have more than just the right to vote, we have advanced citizenship. What I intend by that phrase is this; many countries allow the people to vote. Our founding fathers debated long and hard over just how much to trust the people. The founding fathers chose to trust us; trusting us despite varying education, social class, religion, and given the fact that they were divided on the role of a national government. I believe that Jefferson, Madison, & even Hamilton would rethink trusting us if they saw what has been done.I say we have advanced citizenship because we are expected to do more than just vote. People tend to forget this country is not a true Democracy but a Republic. Democracy is nothing more than glorified mob rule. We must be involved, hold elected officials accountable and most of all know what the role of government is and is not. Some Republicans and Democrats get away with what they do because too few people are informed enough to hold them accountable. We the people gave them the power to make this mess. If we are going to take back our country we must get people involved and prepared to make informed decisions at the ballot box. We must be deliberate and hold all elected officials accountable, all the time. They need to hear from us on a regular basis. They must look over their shoulders every time they get ready to vote.

What I think have people so upset at BHO is that he raced down a road that Bush (43) meandered down. The people were not happy with Bush, so why did Obama go even farther? He did so because he realized it was about control and the acquisition of power of the federal government. We are no longer on the slippery slope, an argument that has not gained traction despite the clear reality and evidence for it; BHO has shifted into an avalanche toward socialism and the obliteration of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Even those who run in the more tepid currents have been turned off by the course set by the man at the helm of the American political vessel. We have an American president who does not appear to love America.

I believe the “earthquake” is coming and that the resulting tsunami will wipe away many. Will it be enough? There are good people in both parties who are working to effect change. Not hope but real change. While I am unabashedly Republican because I believe the GOP is the best vehicle for reclaiming the dream that was the Reagan Revolution, the GOP has issues and needs help. The lack of leadership at the National level is clear. We need real conservatives who understand the world as it is, not as it once was. The American people want bold leadership that is based on clear constitutional principles. We must reeducate people to remember their American heritage, the basis for our constitutional government and what government is for and that government is not the answer for most of the problems people face. Erode the people’s faith, independence, self reliance then government becomes the only answer.

Government is not the answer. Our government was not designed to create jobs, control the environment, educate your children, make people dependent, save failing businesses, promote a globalist agenda, and most of all to solve your individual problems. Look at the following quote and ask yourself if this is not the current driving the tepid waters of Liberalism.

“Therefore, a wise prince should think of a method by which his citizens, at all times and in every circumstance, will need the assistance of the state and of himself; and then they will always be loyal to him.” - Machiavelli

There is a new current bringing in warmer water, we need to help heat it up. The tremors and warning shocks have been felt, but the “big one” is still coming. With the coming tsunami, are you just looking for higher ground or are you going to work to prepare the way for the changes that are coming? I want my country back and I need your help!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Refelections on the Declaration of Independence

The Pursuit of Happiness, Not the Entitlement to Happiness

As I have been reflecting on the past 4th of July weekend and all of the events, including tea parties, parades, picnics, fireworks, and good time spent with families, I began to wonder. Is the Declaration of Independence out of date? Have we reached a place where we no longer understand what our founding fathers were talking about? I ask because there appears to be a serious disconnect between how our government should function and how it actually functions.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

“We hold these truths to be self-evident...” What do we today hold to be self-evident? Our President says we are no longer a Christian nation, what are our unalienable rights? Life? I guess that depends on your definition of “life.” Liberty? Do we really understand what Liberty (yes, with a capital L) is, how it functions, feels like or do we know it when we see it?

We have the unalienable right to pursue happiness not the entitlement to happiness. We have the right to pursue wealth, love, success, faith, and, yes, even an alternative lifestyle (if you so choose). We are not guaranteed a right to any of those things. Our founding fathers would tell us to stop being spoiled, arrogant, presumptuous and ill-prepared to pursue the very things we are striving to achieve. We do, I believe, have a Right to expect our government to maintain a state that will bestow liberties on the citizenry, create and foster a positive economic environment for commerce and, ultimately, to preserve and protect the Union.

I wish to point out some of the grievances set forth in The Declaration of Independence that have relevance today.

"He has made Judges dependent on his Will-alone, for the tenure of their offices-"

The Democrats want judges’ dependant on their will and socialist dogma. Not the will of the people or even the founding fathers, not to interpret the Constitution, but to include International law (such as it is) to be the ultimate determinants of judicial appointments. International law that does not have “certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness “as a foundation or basis for justification of the law.

"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. "

“The erection of a multitude of offices and sent hither swarms of officers,” like locusts, is devouring the substance of our labors at an alarming rate. I would even argue that Alexander Hamilton, a strong federalist, would cringe at the largesse of our government and be at the front of the debate against the expansion into the obesity we are lumbering toward. Communism/socialism failed for two reasons: First, it did not understand the nature of man and made poor assumptions as to the needs of man. Second, the sheer size and magnitude of the government could no longer be supported by the people. Like a nuclear bomb, this type of government imploded and collapsed on itself, causing the resulting explosion to destroy lives, businesses and bring real poverty and anarchy. Is this what Obama meant by “Hope and Change”?

"He has refused to Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good "

'For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most
Valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our governments"

The severe altering of our basic form of government away from capitalism is precisely the concern of our founding fathers in the Declaration. Make no mistake, our way of government is changing and the goal of the Democrats is to go farther down this road. We are not on a slippery slope but an avalanche toward socialism. Far away from what the signers of the Declaration envisioned.

Clearly, President Obama fancies himself more of a tyrant King than the President of the free United States. He is not alone; the court jester team of Reid and Pelosi fancy themselves as prince and princess of the Obama court.

I want my country back and I need your help!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Icet announces endorsements for State Auditor Bid

House Budget Leader, Allen Icet, announces endorsements of his campaign for State Auditor

Missouri House of Representatives Endorsements:
Rep. Brian Munzlinger (R-1)
Rep. Casey Guernsey (R-3)
Rep. Mike Thompson (R-4)
Rep. Jim Guest (R-5)
Rep. Mike Lair (R-7)
Rep. Doug Funderbunk (R-12)
Rep. Charles Gatschenberger (R-13)
Rep. Joe Smith (R-14)
Rep. Sally Faith (R-15)
Rep. Mark Parkinson (R-16)
Rep. Anne Zerr (R-18)
Rep. Jeanie Riddle (R-20)
Rep. Steve Hobbs (R-21)
Rep. Therese Sander (R-22)
Rep. Rob Schaaf (R-28)
Rep. Jerry Nolte (R-33)
Rep. Tim Flook (R-34)
Rep. Bob Nance (R-36)
Rep. Ryan Silvey (R-38)
Rep. Jeff Grisamore (R-47)
Rep. Gary Dusenberg (R-54)
Rep. Bryan Pratt (R-55)
Rep. Dennis Wood (R-62)
Rep. David Sater (R-68)
Rep. Cole McNary (R-86)
Rep. John Diehl (R-87)
Rep. Andrew Koenig (R-88)
Rep. Tim Jones (R-89)
Rep. Sue Allen (R-92)
Rep. Dwight Scharnhorst (R-93)
Rep. Rick Stream (R-94)
Rep. Michael Leara (R-94)
Rep. Walt Bivins (R-97)
Rep. Brian Nieves (R-98)
Rep. Steve Tilley (R-106)
Rep. Scott Dieckhaus (R-109)
Rep. Charles Schlottach (R-111)
Rep. Tom Loehner (R-112)
Rep. Mark Bruns (R-113)
Rep. Bill Deeken (R-114)
Rep. Rodney Schad (R-115)
Rep. Tom Self (R-116)
Rep. Kenny Jones (R-117)
Rep. Stanley Cox (R-118)
Rep. Larry Wilson (R-119)
Rep. Scott Largent (R-120)
Rep. Mike McGhee (R-122)
Rep. Chris Molendorp (R-123)
Rep. Barney Fisher (R-125)
Rep. Ed Emery (R-126)
Rep. Tom Flanigan (R-127)
Rep. Bryan Stevenson (R-128)
Rep. Ron Richard (R-129)
Rep. Kevin Wilson (R-130)
Rep. Marilyn Ruestman (R-131)
Rep. Don Ruzicka (R-132)
Rep. Mike Parson (R-133)
Rep. James Viebrock (R-134)
Rep. Charlie Denison (R-135)
Rep. Eric Burlison (R-136)
Rep. Shane Schoeller (R-139)
Rep. Bob Dixon (R-140)
Rep. Jay Wasson (R-141)
Rep. Raymond Weter (R-142)
Rep. Maynard Wallace (R-143)
Rep. Tony Dugger (R-144)
Rep. Mike Cunningham (R-145)
Rep. Darrell Pollock (R-146)
Rep. Don Wells (R-147)
Rep. David Day (R-148)
Rep. Dan Brown (R-149)
Rep. Jason Smith (R-150)
Rep. Ward Franz (R-151)
Rep. Mike Dethrow (R-153)
Rep. Gayle Kingery (R-154)
Rep. Wayne Cooper (R-155)
Rep. Shelley Keeney (R-156)
Rep. Clint Tracy (R-158)
Rep. Billy Pat Wright (R-159)
Rep. Ellen Brandom (R-160)

Missouri Senate Endorsements:
Sen. Jim Lembke (R-4)
Sen. Jason Crowell (R-26)
Sen. Luann Ridgeway (R-17)
Sen. John Griesheimer (R-26)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Boots on the Ground!

The time has come to put boots on the ground in the war to save our country. The time has come for the so-called silent majority to stand up and scream at the top of their lungs. The time is right now for action. Or, we can just sit back and tell our children about when America was a strong, Christian, self-reliant country that was the beacon of Liberty and freedom to the whole world. I still believe! I still believe in the dream that was the Reagan Revolution. Dare to believe again.

Barak Obama has done more damage to this country in four months than the eight years of both Bill & Hillary Clinton.
Looking back, I miss Bill! I miss Bill “what will the latest poll tell me what to do” Clinton. This was a President who at least had a rudimentary understanding of how the economy worked, even if he was riding the out-year success of George Bush (41). Clinton was a President who when making any policy decision would let a poll decide the outcome; which meant that we (conservatives) stood a 50/50 chance of it going our way. This was a man who I spent considerable energy and eight years working against. And now I miss Bill. That hurts so much to say, it is hard to imagine.

How the Republican Party has not figured out the very obvious is beyond me. The media, the Democrats, and, worst of all, the same RINO’s (republicans in name only) who helped create this nightmare believe the GOP should move more to the center or even to the left of center. Which begs the question: If there is no difference between the GOP and the Democrats, why vote for Republicans?

The conservatives are not out of touch with this country! We must stand up and take control of our destiny. Many people have asked, “Where is the leadership? What should I do?” I must take this opportunity to get your attention. Don’t wait, just do something! Get involved! How you ask? Find your local committeeman and committeewoman and ask! Call your State party and ask! The time for gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands is over! It is time for action, work and effort.

Tell me what you want to do. I have something for you to do - make phone calls. I have something for you to do - write letters. I have something for you to do - Tweet or email. I have something for you to do – blog. I have something for you to do - walk your neighborhood and get to know who is of like mind. I have something for you to do.

Yes, I know you have real jobs, soccer practice, ballet rehearsal, and spending time with family. I have those busy things to do as well. The opponents know this, they want conservatives lost in the minutia of life so they can dismantle the very freedoms that allow you to do and enjoy those things that make life great.

Barak Obama is running the largest shell game in the history of the world. Obama will fiddle as Rome burns! He wants to level the playing field for other countries. Just look at the world apology tour. I believe we have an American President who does not like America or Americans. I want my Country back and I need your help!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

View The Shining City

Hello Friends,

View the Shining City is my way of painting a picture of what our shining city on the hill could/should look like. Our world has changed, political realities have changed and I am very concerned. I want my country back!

I would like this to be a place where we elevate the debate and do so with civility.

I make no apologies for my views. However, due to my affiliation with several organizations my comments are my own and do not reflect the views of any other group, person or party. If you do not like these views please take them up with me.

Let the fun begin!
